Naukeag Lake Club
Families - we are so happy to have you here. Please stay tuned for the President’s letter, and tentative swim lesson/pool party/movie night information.
Thank you to all of the families, both returning and new, for your support. We are looking forward to the pool as a place of respite, (safe) community bonding, and positivity.
Pay 2024 Dues
Dues are now open for the 2024 swim season.
Movie Night 2024!
Movie night date TBD!
Come enjoy an evening movie outside complete with ice cream treats, popcorn, and an outdoor projector screen under the stars!
Pool Rules
Please read and review the rules for compliance + safety.
Membership + Guest Privileges
1. Membership in the Naukeag Lake Club, Inc. entitles the members of the household and guest to the privileges of the pool at all times, but this does not include tenants. A member must accompany a guest to the pool. Members are responsible for the actions and conduct of their guests.
2. Families will sign a waiver form before coming to the Club
3. If an associate member of the club moves from Ashburnham, their membership automatically terminates at the end of the year.
Health + Hygiene
4. If you are sick, you will NOT come to the Club
5. Use hand sanitizer frequently and ensure proper hygiene, such as sneezing/coughing into tissue or elbow
6. An outside shower is provided at the bathhouse for showering and washing. Washing in the pool is not allowed.
Smoking & Alcohol Use
7. No Smoking on pool property, or in a vehicle parked on the premises.
8. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are to be taken to the pool premises or consumed thereon.
9. General roughhousing on the float, pier, or property is forbidden. Throwing children, furniture or equipment into the pool is forbidden. Diving or jumping from pier rails, raft ladder or the bathhouse roof is forbidden.
10. Each family must be responsible for the safety of their children and guests. No child under the age of 14 shall be allowed on pool property unless accompanied by a responsible person. That person must be actively watching those children. This applies for the whole year.
Miscellaneous Expectations + Guidelines
11. Any holes dug must be filled in before you leave.
12. A “Carry-in / Carry-out” of your trash policy is to be followed.
13. No pets allowed
14. Electric equipment is not to be operated at the pool. This includes radio and television sets whether portable, line operated, or in an automobile.
15. It is the responsibility and duty of all members to approach any unauthorized (non member) parties. Introduce yourself, get to know someone new, and if they’re not a member, please tell them to go to this website and fill out the application to become a member but that in order to use the property, membership is required.
16. The Pool dam and Upper Dam must not be touched.
17. Fires or cooking are not allowed at the pool.
18. No fishing allowed.
19. No feeding the Ducks or Geese at any time. Disregard for this rule will mean immediate suspension of pool privileges for a minimum of two weeks.
20. The telephone is for your convenience for local or emergency calls ONLY. Please answer the phone if you are near the phone.
21. No boats, kayaks or water crafts allowed.
22. Bicycles and motorcycles must remain in parking areas.
**It is requested that any violations of these rules be reported to any one of the Directors. In addition, it is asked that complaints or suggestions for improvements be emailed to C/O any one of the Directors. The Directors reserve the right to suspend pool privileges of any person abusing or violating these rules.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to modify the rules based upon State guidelines and specific activity at the pool, up to and including closing the pool for the season if members are not complying with the rules.
Approaching Non-Members
It is the responsibility and duty of all members to approach unauthorized persons.
This is a unique opportunity to connect with another person about the special place we love and invest in. A smile, handshake, and politely inquiry as to whether or not they are a member, allows you to meet possible new family in the Club but also protects the asset we are a valuable part of.
You can direct anyone wishing to apply for membership to our website at:
No feeding the ducks or geese at any time. Disregard for this rule will mean immediate suspension of pool privileges for a minimum of two weeks.
Thank you!
We could not have access to this beautiful place we call the Pool without you! Can’t wait to see you soon!